The determinants of health are the necessary components we each need to ensure health. The determinants of health interplay with numerous naturopathic philosophies including treating the whole person, and treating the cause. There is often a lot of docere -or doctor as teacher-involved in educating patients around how these factors influence their health, as well as in depth counselling around how to make lasting lifestyle changes in these areas. Naturoapthic doctors also understand the numerous social and economic inequities in these areas, and how these inequities interplay and effect both personal and public health. The main principle that the determinants of health help us to reinforce is prevention, as the determinants of health are crucial to our susceptibility to chronic disease.
Here is a short list of some of the determinants of health. Of these, which stick out to you as areas in which you excel? Which could you work to improve?
spiritual practice
adequate rest and sleep
joyful movement
meaningful relationships
meaningful work
love and being loved
access to clean air
access and adequate intake of clean water
hygiene (personal physical but also environmental-is your home free of toxins/allergens, also dental, sleep and eating hygiene)
exercise and enjoyable movement
financial stability
necessary medications
toxins and harmful substances/pollution and their efficient metabolism
stress and trauma
access and knowledge of nutritious/unadulterated food
exposure to and connection to nature
natural light
proper digestion
play and recreation